Visual Studio Code (VS Code) Keyboard Shortcuts keys that can help developers to become more productive and efficient.

1. Opening and closing the sidebar

Mac — Command + B

Windows/Ubuntu — Ctrl + B

2. Quick file open

Mac — Command + P

Windows/Ubuntu — Ctrl + P

3. Select the word

Mac — Command + D

Windows/ Ubuntu — Ctrl + D

4. Code formatting

Windows — Shift + Alt + F

Mac — Shift + Option + F

Ubuntu — Ctrl + Shift + I

5. Select the current line

Mac — Command + L

Windows/Ubuntu — Ctrl + L

6. Move line

Mac — Option + Up/Down arrow

Windows/Ubuntu — Alt + Up/Down arrow

7. Find word/phrase

If you need to find in the current file

Mac — Command + F

Windows/Ubuntu — Ctrl + F

If you need to find from the entire project

Mac — Command+Shift + F

Windows/Ubuntu — Ctrl+Shidt + F

8. Multi cursor selection

VS Code supports multiple cursors for fast simultaneous edits. You can add secondary cursors using:

Mac — Option + Click

Windows/Ubuntu — Alt + Click

9. Open the terminal

Windows/Linux: ctrl + J

Mac: command + J

10. Duplicate line

You can make duplications of the same line using:

Mac — Command + Shift + D

Windows/Ubuntu — Ctrl + Shift + D

11. Go to line number

Windows/Linux: ctrl + G

macOS: control + G

12. Line Comments

Windows/Linux: ctrl + /

macOS: command + /

13. Block Comments

Windows/Linux: shift + alt + A

macOS: shift + option + A

14. Select a column or box of code with arrow keys

You can do the same as above but without using your mouse. Instead of dragging a mouse, you use they keyboard arrow keys.

Windows/Linux: ctrl + shift + alt + → or ← or ↓ or ↑

macOS: command + shift + option + → or ← or ↓ or ↑

15. Fold/unfold Block

Windows/Linux: ctrl + shift + [ or ]

macOS: command + option + [ or ]

By admin

I'm Software developers who build web applications and convert your idea into the world wide web.

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