types of keyword

A keyword refers to a word or phrase that users enter into a search engine when they are looking for specific information, products, services, or answers. These keywords are essential for websites and online content creators. Optimizing for the right keywords can help a website appear higher on search engine results pages (SERPs), leading to increased organic traffic

Different Types of Keywords

  1. Transactional Keywords
  2. Informational Keywords
  3. Navigational Keywords
  4. Commercial  Keywords

Transactional Keywords

Transactional keywords indicate a user’s intent to undertake a specific transaction or action, which often involves making a purchase, but not always. These keywords suggest that the user is at the bottom of the sales funnel, already having passed through the awareness and consideration stages and now ready to act.

Features of transactional keywords:

  1. Purchase Intent: These keywords typically suggest that the searcher is ready to buy a product or service.
  2. Specificity: They can be very specific, often including brand names, product names, or exact services, indicating that the searcher knows what they want.
  3. Common Modifiers: Many transactional keywords are accompanied by terms like “buy,” “purchase,” “order,” “discount,” “deal,” “coupon,” and so forth.

Examples of transactional keywords:

  • “Buy Nike Air Max shoes online”
  • “Order iPhone 13 Pro Max”

Informational Keywords

Informational keywords are search terms or phrases that users input into search engines when they’re seeking knowledge or answers to specific questions. These keywords indicate a user’s intent to understand a topic, find information, or learn how to do something.

Features of informational keywords:

  1. Research Intent: The primary goal of the user is to gather information, learn, or satisfy their curiosity.
  2. Lack of Direct Commercial Intent: While the searcher might eventually make a purchase based on the information they find, the immediate goal is not to buy something.
  3. Common Modifiers: Many informational keywords start with words or phrases like “how to,” “what is,” “why does,” “tips for,” “guide to,” and similar terms.

Examples of informational keywords:

  • “How to tie a tie”
  • “What is blockchain technology”

 Navigational Keywords

Navigational keywords are search terms or phrases that users input into search engines when they have a specific website or webpage in mind. These keywords indicate the user’s intent to locate a particular online destination, rather than exploring or gathering information on a broad topic.

Features of navigational keywords:

  1. Specific Site Intent: The primary objective of the user is to navigate to a particular website or webpage.
  2. Brand or Website Names: These keywords often contain the names of brands, companies, products, or services, suggesting the user already knows where they want to go but might not have the exact URL.
  3. Lack of Exploratory Intent: Users employing navigational keywords are not typically looking to discover new information or brands. Instead, they aim to get to a known destination quickly.

Examples of navigational keywords:

  • “Facebook login”
  • “OpenAI blog”
  • “Amazon customer service”

Commercial Keywords

Commercial keywords are search terms that indicate a user’s intent to make a purchase in the near future, but they might still be in the research or comparison phase before committing to a transaction. These keywords suggest that the user is in the consideration stage of the buyer’s journey—evaluating options, looking for deals, or seeking recommendations before making a decision.

Features of commercial keywords:

  1. Intent to Purchase Soon: The user is leaning towards buying but might need a bit more information, reassurance, or a nudge to make the final decision.
  2. Research and Comparison: These keywords often suggest comparison, research, or seeking recommendations.
  3. Common Modifiers: Many commercial keywords are accompanied by terms like “review,” “best,” “top 10,” “comparison,” “brands,” “pricing,” or “deals.”

Examples of commercial keywords:

  • “Best DSLR cameras 2023”
  • “iPhone vs. Samsung comparison”

Targeted Advertising: Understanding and targeting commercial keywords can lead to effective advertising campaigns since the audience is already primed to make a purchase.

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