Software Design

1. The KISS principle:

The “Keep It Simple, Stupid” principle reminds us that all software or applications design and deployment should be done as simply as possible with the least complexities and clearly to understand development procedures. This principle ensures that the source code is made easy to debug (whenever required) and future maintenance by any other operations and maintenance software engineer becomes easier. Usually, it is advised to keep only one method for one use case, in order to comply with the KISS principle.

2. The DRY principle:

The “Don’t Repeat Yourself” (or “Duplication Is Evil”) principle tells us that every software engineer should aim to reduce the repetition of information or methods within their work in order to avoid redundancy. Therefore, it’s recommended to segregate the entire system of consideration into fragments. Dividing the code into smaller segments can help manage the code and use a single segment at any point, by calling, whenever required.

3. The SOLID design principles:

Solid design principles are a set of combined principles that help to guide software engineers to make software designs understandable, easier to manage or maintain, and convenient to extend or scale.

The S.O.L.I.D. design principles comprise the following:

S — Single responsibility principle (SRP)

Every module should be designed to carry out just its responsibility over a single part of the functionality provided by the software.

O — Open-closed principle (OCP)

Any part of the software, should be available and easily extended for further features, but should not be modified.

L — Liskov substitution principle (LSP)

Objects within a program can be replaced with instances of their sub-category types without changing the accuracy of that specific program.

I — Interface segregation principle (ISP)

It’s best to avoid adding new functionalities or methods to an existing interface. Rather it’s recommended to incorporate a new interface and permit the classes to implement different interfaces based on the need.

D — Dependency inversion principle (DIP)

We should always use a design pattern known as the dependency inversion pattern, which is usually resolved by the use of dependency injection.

Usually, the S.O.L.I.D design principles seem quite philosophical and abstract. However, when comparing real-life applications of S.O.L.I.D. principles, the advantages of these principles are easily and evidently reflected. Any software backend code that proceeds with the recommendations of the S.O.L.I.D. principles is much easier to share with collaborators, scaled up to meet volume, modified based on user requirements, tested for stress or usability, and managed and managed and troubleshoot without any issues.

By admin

I'm Software developers who build web applications and convert your idea into the world wide web.

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